Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Bulung Boni

Delicious name of food.
I love seaweed, that’s all that I know!

My several diet.
Cholesterol erosion.
Beauty not always full of pain this time!

Seaweed has potential nutrient content such as carotenoids, vitamins, fatty acid, carbohydrates, minerals and other essentials substance. Carotenoids have important biological function as antioxidants, and immunostimulatory which prevent disease, anti-inflammatory, anti-stress, anti-aging and protect the skin from harmful effect on ultraviolet radiation.

Antioxidants can protect the body from free radicals attack and reduce its negative impact. Free radicals are necessary for the survival of several physiological processes in the body, especially for electrons transport, but the excessive free radical can harm the body because it can damage macromolecules such as protein in cells, and DNA (deoxyribo nucleic acid). Macromolecular damage can improve cell death.

In addition besides effects of oxidants, cholesterol also affects the development of degenerative diseases. The development of people live style that consume more fatty foods, especially of saturated fatty acid intake tend to cholesterol to be higher than the level of need. Intake of foods with high cholesterol content can increase cholesterol levels in the blood. This condition called hypercholesterolemia. One of the major atherosclerosis risk factors are dyslipidemia, and the prevalence of dyslipidemia in Indonesia has increased.

Bulung Boni (Caulerpa spp.) is one of several types of seaweed provided in Bali generally consumed by local people. This food has been extracted in laboratorioum standard and proven to be one of the food needed. In some other country like Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam, Peru, Scandinavia, Scotland and Philippine cosidered as medicine.

You can find this food in several warung rujak, mostly around Denpasar City. In Renon, there is one Warung at tukad Balian street, where I used to go. Only 3k IDR for 1 plate of Bulung can be one of the healthy menu for today! Lovely!!

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